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Safeguarding Policy

Purpose: This policy aims to provide a framework for ensuring the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and visitors within the college environment. It covers the protection of students from harm, including abuse, neglect, and any form of mistreatment, and outlines the responsibilities of staff in safeguarding the welfare of young people.

Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, volunteers, students, and visitors who come into contact with students in the context of the college's activities, both on-campus and during off-campus trips or events organized by the college.


Definitions of Abuse and Neglect

Abuse can take many forms, including but not limited to:

●     Physical Abuse: Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning, or otherwise causing physical harm.

  • Emotional or Psychological Abuse: Verbal abuse, bullying, intimidation, humiliation, or threats.

  • Sexual Abuse: Involvement of students in sexual activities without consent, including touching or engaging in sexual acts.

  • Neglect: Failure to provide appropriate care, including adequate food, shelter, supervision, and medical care.

  • Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploiting a child or young person for sexual purposes.

●     Bullying or Harassment: Any form of bullying (verbal, physical, online) or harassment based on race, gender, sexuality, disability, or other personal characteristics.


Commitment to Safeguarding

JIBC  is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students. This includes:

●     Preventing abuse, neglect, and exploitation of students.

  • Ensuring that any concerns or allegations of abuse are addressed promptly and with sensitivity.

  • Promoting a culture of respect, inclusivity, and care.

●     Providing appropriate support services for students who may be experiencing harm.

Roles and Responsibilities

The designated Safeguarding Officer will oversee safeguarding practices, provide training to staff, and ensure compliance with all legal and institutional requirements. 

They  serve as the first point of contact for reporting concerns or allegations of abuse. Ensure that appropriate referrals are made to the relevant authorities (e.g., child protective services or law enforcement). They maintain confidential records of child protection concerns and follow up on any incidents. Provide guidance to staff on how to handle concerns about student welfare and offer support to students affected by abuse.


They will act as the primary point of contact for all safeguarding concerns.

●     All Staff Members: All staff, including teaching and non-teaching staff, volunteers, and contractors, are required to adhere to the safeguarding policy. They must report any concerns about student welfare, signs of abuse, or neglect immediately.

●     Students: Students are encouraged to report any concerns regarding their own welfare or that of their peers. They should be aware of the college's channels for reporting concerns.


Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

Internal Reporting: Any staff member who has concerns about a student's welfare must report the matter to the Safeguarding Officer or an appropriate senior staff member as soon as possible.

External Reporting: If a serious safeguarding concern arises that involves potential criminal activity or immediate risk to a student, the Safeguarding Officer will contact the appropriate local authorities, such as child protection services or law enforcement.


Staff Recruitment and Training

●     Safer Recruitment and Training: All recruitment procedures for staff, volunteers, and contractors will include safeguarding checks, including enhanced background checks (e.g., criminal record checks), references, and interviews to assess their suitability to work with students.

●     Training: All staff members will receive regular training on safeguarding issues, including recognizing signs of abuse, how to report concerns, and how to interact with students in a safe and respectful manner.


Preventing Bullying and Harassment

●     The college will adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment. A clear anti-bullying strategy will be in place, promoting respect and tolerance among students.

●     Anti-bullying education will be incorporated into the curriculum, and students will have access to support services if they experience or witness bullying.


Student Welfare and Support

●     The college will provide appropriate pastoral care and mental health support for students. This includes access to counseling services, welfare officers, and mentoring programs.

●     A clear and confidential process for students to report concerns or seek help will be made available.


Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Radicalisation

●     The college will have a clear strategy to prevent and respond to any incidents of sexual exploitation or radicalization. This includes age-appropriate education on consent, healthy relationships, and online safety.

●     The college will follow the Prevent Duty guidelines to ensure that students are protected from extremist influences.



●     All safeguarding concerns and reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Information will only be shared with those who need to know in order to protect the student’s welfare and ensure a proper response.

●     Consent from the student will be sought where possible, except when there is a risk of harm or when disclosure is required by law.


Monitoring and Review

●     This policy will be regularly reviewed by the Safeguarding Officer in consultation with the senior management team and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation or best practice.

●     All incidents of safeguarding concerns will be documented and tracked to ensure that appropriate actions are taken and to monitor outcomes.

 Emergency Procedures

●     In the event of an emergency where a student’s safety is at immediate risk, staff must follow the emergency procedures outlined in the college's safeguarding handbook. This may include contacting emergency services, taking the student to a safe location, and informing the Safeguarding Officer.

Conclusion: The safety and welfare of students are of paramount importance to the college. This policy is designed to ensure a proactive, consistent, and collaborative approach to safeguarding, creating an environment where students feel safe, supported, and respected. 

The Policy is crucial to the well-being of every student at the college. It establishes a commitment to safeguarding and provides a comprehensive approach to preventing and responding to any concerns about the safety and welfare of children. All members of the college community—staff, students, and parents—have a shared responsibility to ensure that children are protected from harm and that their educational experience is safe, respectful, and supportive.



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